Grotto with Statue of Mary.

One project that our team completed, which includes multiple different components, is this outdoor Grotto. There are three features that we would like to highlight here:

BASE: First, we have the base that the statue of Mary is on. This base is made out of ½” plate and held in place by 4-½” rods, which are installed 20” into the concrete and welded to the base. The statue was then core drilled and 1” all thread was inserted 12” into the statue. With the statue bolted from the underneath side of the base, everything would be secure and level. The base is 24” tall by 12’ wide by 24” deep.

ARCH: Next on our list is the arch that extends over the top of the statue of Mary. This arch has stars cut out of the aluminum with plexiglass sitting behind the cut-outs. In addition, there is a blue rope light installed inside to create a night-time appearance. To the top, the arch is 12’4” tall.

BACK PANELS: Lastly, we have the back paneled wall surrounding the area. This background component is composed of perforated aluminum sheets and angle iron. With the perforated sheets being in front, you’ll notice in the photos below that a “shadow” look is displayed. Furthermore, the two flat panels on the side are hinged to provide access behind the display. The back paneled wall is 8’ tall and 48’ across with a 20’ radius.


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